Benefits of Raw, Unpasteurized Local Honey for Seasonal Allergies

Springtime is a great time of year. It starts warming up, flowers start to bloom, and wildlife comes out. But it’s also the time of year your allergies spring up. Many people suffer from seasonal allergies, and if you’re one of them, you’re likely looking for a way to lessen the symptoms through the springtime.

Instead of taking allergy medication, you can consider a more natural approach to calming allergy symptoms. Eating local honey for allergies is a natural alternative to allergy medications, and it's way more tastier than the over-the-counter stuff you’ve been taking.

Seasonal Allergy Raw Honey Relief Aid

So, how does it work? In this article, we’ll discuss what seasonal allergies are and how eating honey for allergies can help you.

Common Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Whenever your immune system reacts to a foreign substance that isn’t harmful, it’s called an allergy. Common allergies include bee venom, pet dander, or pollen. Your body produces antibodies that are meant to protect your immune system from harmful invaders, such as bacteria.

 Your body may use its antibodies to inflame parts of your body against the allergen, even though it’s not harmful. Seasonal allergies, which are usually experienced during the spring months, affect the sinuses, skin, digestive system. Some common symptoms are:

  • Itchy nose
  • Itchy eyes
  • Stuffy nose
  • Runny nose
  • Watery, swollen, or red eyes
  • Sneezing

Local Honey is Similar to Allergy Shots

Some people treat their seasonal allergies by taking allergy shots. Allergy shots are taken over time to create long-term relief from allergies. Allergy shots contain small amounts of the allergen you’re trying to build immunity to. You take the allergy shots, and over time, your body slowly builds immunity to the allergen by creating antibodies that fight it. By taking allergy shots, the immune system also improves the way it responds to the allergen. Over time, your symptoms decline as your body becomes better at fighting allergies. 

Eating honey for allergies helps similarly. When bees pollinate, they take backtraces of pollen with them, which stays in the honey. Only trace amounts are left in the honey, but it’s enough to build immunity to the allergen. Once you’ve built enough immunity, your seasonal allergy symptoms decrease.

Local Honey to Treat Local Allergies 

If you’re someone who suffers from seasonal allergies, you’re ingesting allergens that are from your local environment. Eating unpasteurized honey from local beekeepers such as BCB Honey Farm, can help your specific allergies because it’s made with local allergens throughout the Lower Mainland.

Your local beekeepers use honey that’s pollinated by bees in your area. These bees circle and collect pollen that’s from local plants and that also circulates in the air. Then they’ll bring it back to the hive, where small amounts go into the honey. Since your seasonal allergies are caused by allergens from your environment, eating honey will help your body adjust to local allergens each year. 

How To Use Local Honey for Allergies 

To take honey for allergies, start by taking 1 teaspoon of local, unpasteurized honey once a day. You may slowly increase the amount of honey every other day. Do this until you eat 1 tablespoon of honey per 50 lbs of your weight. You can divide the dose throughout the day as desired through the allergy season.

Local honey doesn’t have to just be used on its own. It can be used with prescription medications or over-the-counter allergy medications. It’s not intended to be used instead of consultation from a medical provider. 

Note that honey should never be given to children under 1 year old, as their immune systems are not able to digest bacteria spores from honey.

If you’re suffering from seasonal allergies, you don’t have to take expensive medication. Look for locally made honey to help calm your allergy symptoms. Shop online at BCB Honey Farm or visit us at our Farm Store or Downtown Store to find your favourite natural, unpasteurized honey today.


Still not convinced? Check out what our customers have to say about our our award winning honey! 


  • Being a diabetic I’m a bit concerned taking honey affecting my blood sugar Any information on this?

    Susan Darrow
  • Some times I usually get allergy problems, one day when I was searching for natural remedies for allergies, I found honey and right now I have a bottle here and I reached here while searching how to use it for good results.

    Ssenyonjo Abdul
  • Gibson Ross clover honey in Minco oklahoma has the best clover honey ever.

  • Do you have honey producers in Oklahoma? Good sources here? Just moved from California. Bought Coles Raw Honey from Tuttle, Oklahoma about 2 weeks ago. Symptoms seem better. How long, generally, does it take to train the immunity? Thanks for article!

    Diana Smart

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